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Framing to Consider When Displaying Art in a Gallery

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For artists and art enthusiasts alike, the way a piece of artwork is presented in a gallery can significantly impact its overall impact. One crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is the framing. The right frame not only enhances the artwork's aesthetics but also provides protection and context for the piece. In this blog post, we will discuss several framing considerations to keep in mind when displaying art in a gallery.

Material Matters

Choosing the right material for the frame is essential. While wooden frames are a classic choice, metal frames can give a more contemporary and sleek look. The material choice should complement the artwork and the gallery's overall aesthetics. Additionally, it's crucial to select high-quality materials that will preserve the artwork for years to come.

Size and Proportion

The size and proportion of the frame should be in harmony with the artwork. If the frame is too small, it might make the artwork feel cramped, while an overly large frame can overpower and distract from the piece itself. Consider the scale of the artwork and choose a frame size that enhances its presence without overwhelming it.


Matting is used to create space between the artwork and the frame. It not only provides a visual break but also protects the artwork from coming into direct contact with the glass. When selecting matting, consider the color, thickness, and quality. Neutral tones such as white or off-white are commonly used to maintain focus on the artwork, allowing it to stand out.

Mounting Techniques

The way an artwork is mounted within the frame can impact its overall presentation. There are various mounting techniques to consider, such as dry mounting, hinging, and floating. The choice will depend on the artwork's medium, size, and preservation needs. Consulting with a professional framer can provide valuable insights on the best method for your specific artwork.


Preserving the artwork's longevity is of utmost importance when it comes to framing. The frame should provide protection against environmental factors such as UV rays, dust, and humidity. Opting for UV-resistant glazing can prevent fading and damage to the artwork over time. Furthermore, using appropriate archival materials and techniques will ensure the artwork's longevity.


Maintaining a sense of uniformity is crucial when displaying artwork in a gallery. Consistency in framing styles and finishes can create a cohesive look throughout the exhibition, allowing the artwork to flow seamlessly from one piece to another. Consider the gallery's overall theme and choose frames that complement and enhance the artworks being displayed.

Framing plays a vital role in the overall presentation and preservation of artwork in a gallery setting. Working with a professional framer can provide expert guidance and ensure your artwork is displayed at its best in the gallery. For more information on art galleries, contact a professional near you.
